Send Key list

Quick reference for the Send( "keys" [, flag] ) Command.    ^ Ctrl    ! Alt    + Shift    # Win

AutoIt can send all ASCII and Extended ASCII characters (0-255), to send UNICODE characters you must use the "ASC" option and the code of the character you wish to Send(see {ASC} below).

To send the ASCII value A (same as pressing ALT+065 on the numeric keypad)

Send("{ASC 065}")

(When using 2 digit ASCII codes you must use a leading 0, otherwise an obsolete 437 code page is used).


To send UNICODE characters enter the character code, for example this sends a Chinese character

Send("{ASC 2709}")


Single keys can also be repeated, e.g.

Send("{DEL 4}") ;Presses the DEL key 4 times
Send("{S 30}") ;Sends 30 'S' characters
Send("+{TAB 4}") ;Presses SHIFT+TAB 4 times


To hold a key down (generally only useful for games)

Send("{a down}") ;Holds the A key down
Send("{a up}") ;Releases the A key


If you with to use a variable for the count, try

$n = 4
Send("+{TAB " & $n & "}")


If you wish to send the ASCII value A four times, then try

$x = Chr(65)
Send("{" & $x & " 4}")


Most laptop computer keyboards have a special Fn key. This key cannot be simulated.

Note, by setting the flag parameter to 1 the "keys" parameter is sent RAW. This is useful when you want to send some text copied from a variable and you want the text sent exactly as written.

Send is quite useful because windows can be navigated without needing a mouse.

For example, open Folder Options (in the control panel) and try the following:

Send("{TAB}") Navigate to next control (button, checkbox, etc)
Send("+{TAB}") Navigate to previous control.
Send("^{TAB}") Navigate to next WindowTab (on a Tabbed dialog window)
Send("^+{TAB}") Navigate to previous WindowTab.
Send("{SPACE}") Can be used to toggle a checkbox or click a button.
Send("{+}") Usually checks a checkbox (if it's a "real" checkbox.)
Send("{-}") Usually unchecks a checkbox.
Send("{NumPadMult}") Recursively expands folders in a SysTreeView32.

Use Alt-key combos to access menu items.  Also, open Notepad and try the following:

Send("!f") Send Alt+f, the access key for Notepad's file menu. Try other letters!
Send("{DOWN}") Move down a menu.
Send("{UP}") Move up a menu.
Send("{LEFT}") Move leftward to new menu or expand a submenu.
Send("{RIGHT}") Move rightward to new menu or collapse a submenu.

See Windows' Help--press Win+F1--for a complete list of keyboard shortcuts if you don't know the importance of Alt+F4, PrintScreen, Ctrl+C, and so on.

Send Command (if zero flag)

Resulting Keypress

{!} !
{#} #
{+} +
{^} ^
{{} {
{}} }
{ENTER} ENTER key on the main keyboard
{UP} Up arrow
{DOWN} Down arrow
{LEFT} Left arrow
{RIGHT} Right arrow
{F1} - {F12} Function keys
{LWIN} Left Windows key
{RWIN} Right Windows key
{BREAK} for Ctrl+Break processing
{NUMPAD0} - {NUMPAD9} Numpad digits
{NUMPADMULT} Numpad Multiply
{NUMPADADD} Numpad Add
{NUMPADSUB} Numpad Subtract
{NUMPADDIV} Numpad Divide
{NUMPADDOT} Numpad period
{NUMPADENTER} Enter key on the numpad
{APPSKEY} Windows App key
{LALT} Left ALT key
{RALT} Right ALT key
{LCTRL} Left CTRL key
{RCTRL} Right CTRL key
{LSHIFT} Left Shift key
{RSHIFT} Right Shift key
{SLEEP} Computer SLEEP key
{ALTDOWN} Holds the ALT key down until {ALTUP} is sent
{SHIFTDOWN} Holds the SHIFT key down until {SHIFTUP} is sent
{CTRLDOWN} Holds the CTRL key down until {CTRLUP} is sent
{LWINDOWN} Holds the left Windows key down until {LWINUP} is sent
{RWINDOWN} Holds the right Windows key down until {RWINUP} is sent
{ASC nnnn} Send the ALT+nnnn key combination
{BROWSER_BACK} 2000/XP Only: Select the browser "back" button
{BROWSER_FORWARD} 2000/XP Only: Select the browser "forward" button
{BROWSER_REFRESH} 2000/XP Only: Select the browser "refresh" button
{BROWSER_STOP} 2000/XP Only: Select the browser "stop" button
{BROWSER_SEARCH} 2000/XP Only: Select the browser "search" button
{BROWSER_FAVORITES} 2000/XP Only: Select the browser "favorites" button
{BROWSER_HOME} 2000/XP Only: Launch the browser and go to the home page
{VOLUME_MUTE} 2000/XP Only: Mute the volume
{VOLUME_DOWN} 2000/XP Only: Reduce the volume
{VOLUME_UP} 2000/XP Only: Increase the volume
{MEDIA_NEXT} 2000/XP Only: Select next track in media player
{MEDIA_PREV} 2000/XP Only: Select previous track in media player
{MEDIA_STOP} 2000/XP Only: Stop media player
{MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE} 2000/XP Only: Play/pause media player
{LAUNCH_MAIL} 2000/XP Only: Launch the email application
{LAUNCH_MEDIA} 2000/XP Only: Launch media player
{LAUNCH_APP1} 2000/XP Only: Launch user app1
{LAUNCH_APP2} 2000/XP Only: Launch user app2